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at Sat May 26 01:33:54 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by reptilenerd ]
Tegus can be pretty docile if interacted with properly. When I 1st got my Tegu, he was pretty feisty. Here are the steps which I took to calm/"tame" him down:
1-Take it slow. When you 1st get your Tegu let him settle in properly and get used to the enviorment. You can do things like changing his water and stuff(don't handle him yet) to get him used to you.
2- After doing step 1 for a while, you can begin handling. When you 1st handle your Tegu, let him comet to you. Do not force handle him or else you'll lose all trust and will back to square 1. Handle your Tegu this way gently for about 5-10 min a day. Remember, patience is key.
3- This step actually accounts from the begining to the end, don't hand feed. Your Tegu will quickly associate your hand with food and snap at it. Feed your Tegu in another container or you can bowl feed, just don't let him see the food coming from your hand/you.
Follow these steps and your Tegu should be fine and docile. My Tegu can now rest on my shoulders while I walk around!
Where are you planning to get your Tegu from? I'm getting a Red myself from Bert at Agama Intl. Should be getting it in July. Also, do you keep any Monitors? I have a male Savannah and I'm getting an Argus Monitor hopefully in September.
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