Posted by:
at Mon May 28 07:06:32 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by MrSickle ]
Thanks When he was a baby, I would feed him twice a day. Normally I fed him pinkys dusted in Mineral, as much as he would eat. He would also get banana's, and ground turkey with freeze dried crickets mixed in with bonemeal. I never removed him from the enclosure while he ate. I've never had either of my Tegus (or monitors when I had them) mistake my hands for food. The key is to use some sort of tongs to feed them with, that way they don't associate your hands with food. And it's always a good idea to wash your hands before you handle them to get the scent of any food/animal off of your hands. I get all of my Tegus from Ron & Stella St. Pierre I'm planning on getting a RedXBlue hybrid from this year 
>>that is an awesome picture. When he was a baby, how did you feed him. Did you remove him from his enclosure? Also how does he know when he is done eating and does not mistake your hands for food. Another words, you give him 2 mice or so in the morning, then you go pick him up to place him in his enclosure again. What if he is still hungry? I might be thinking too much about this, but I would rather know now than later. Where did you get yours. That tegu is gorgeous.
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