Posted by:
at Thu Jul 5 18:48:56 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by otis07 ]
20 gallon is big for them, so good. water should be deeper, at least four inches, but with land. i would do a water change so it's cleaner. newts are not messy at all, so its probally been like a year since the water was changed. as far as the pellets, i have never had very good luck with them, they usually like to eat stuff that is movin, like crix. they can also eat brine shrimp. blood worms, earthworms (small), mealworms, and crushed up superworms, fruit flies, nightcrawlers, snails, guppies (hard for them to catch though)... they don't need any special light, actually, no light is better cause they like it cold- in the sixties idealy. don' t let the temp. go above 80. they always appriciate aquatic plants, they really like to be partially submerged, so any aquatic plant will work for that. good luck!
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