Posted by:
at Wed Jul 11 23:30:54 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by LKitsch ]
One of my RES's has shell rot, and I have begun to treat her based on what I have learned here, in books and from the reptile lady at my local pet store:
Scraped away soft rotted area Cleaned her up with an anti-bacterial Applied extra-strength Lamisil as a fungicide Repeat anti-bacterial and fungicide twice a day
I understand that I need to do this for at least a week, perhaps two. My questions are this:
1. I am told I need to keep her out of water all the time, except for an hour a day for feeding. I will return her to the pond for that time, unless I need to set up a more sterile environment in the bath tub. I should leave her "in dry dock" the other 23 hours of the day, including overnight---correct? Is it OK for her to not have any water most of the time?
2. Do I need to worry about limited access to a basking lamp during this time? She will have some access to sunny areas, but for the most part will be shaded. I am in So. Cal., so it's warm now---is this OK?
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