Posted by:
at Thu Jul 26 23:46:33 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by otis07 ]
yeah, great pets. they were my first amphib. they need a 15 gallon, and 5 gallons per additional frog. they need stuff to climb on and a big water dish. use declorinated water- bottled or buy water conditioner. (the stuff they sell for fish works too) feed 1 frog 2-3 times a week 4-6 crickets each time. get a secure lid as they are excellent excape artists. mine excaped twice, but thank god we also found it twice. it pushed the lid up and got out. they eat large crix, mealworms, superworms, silkworms and pinky mice when adults. temps should be mid 70's. don't let it go below 60 or above 95F. a basking light is usually needed, or at the very least an undertank heater. moss, dirt, or repribark are good substrates, or a combo of both. good luck.
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