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at Sun Jul 15 10:52:04 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by loconorc ]
This is my exact post from the Tree Boa Forum, but I thought I might get different (and quicker) responses, and possibly more knowledgeable ones. Here goes:
I have read the new article in the September 07 REPTILES magazine, and there is a great article on a naturalistic setup. It has all the things you would expect in a dart frog vivarium, but it also had a rough green snake in it. I know they are mainly insect eaters. The enclosure was 540 gallons, had a pond, stream, waterfall, small ficus, small fish, etc. If I were to do this myself, would an ATB be acceptable as an inhabitant? Would they chow down on any dart frogs, tree frogs, or lizards in it? From my limited tree boa knowledge, ATB's are normally bird eaters. (if thats wrong tell me!) So would they ignore the little frogs, or would I lose several 100 dollar frogs? If they are sufficiently fed, kept with hides, and plenty of space would it be a problem? In the very far off eventuality I own my own house, I would like a large, naturalistic rainforest viviarium as a showpeice in the living room. I would LOVE to replace a boa with day geckos, rhacs, or some other peaceful inhabitant, but just for accuracy, I would like to keep darts with animals and plants native to their region. Or at least the same region with similar needs. Of course all would be CB, quarentied, and vet checked, and before attempting any species mixing, I would have a few years experience with all species i ndividually. Seems I already got that down with neon tetras! :D
Sorry for the long post, but this is one of my herp dreams I've always wanted to try! I hope my post wasnt too confusing! lol
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Amazon tree boas mixed with darts? - loconorc, Sun Jul 15 10:52:04 2007