Posted by:
at Sat Jul 21 01:24:48 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by pseudosilence ]
I've had no problems keeping fish with darts as long as the water basin is large and the number of fish kept to a minimum. Darts arent swimmers by nature and some are more inclined to drown than others; make sure they have ample room to play, and foot holds if they fall in the pool. I have a large 300gal. with a 50gal pond. I only have 2 splashing tetras, 2 agassizi cichlids, 4 otocinclus, and 12 endlers guppies. Waterboatmen, snails, amphipods and planariums act as janitors. I have a sump under the tank which takes care of most of the nitrification. Along with my auratus I have gonotodes, anolis distichus, storeria decayi, clown tree frogs and a small amazon tree boa; the amazon tree boa ate my red eyes his first night but doest have anymore interest in cold blooded prey now that he's bigger; hatchling tree boas will eat frogs and lizards so be cautious. the boa has coused no problems in the last six months but he does make kind of a mess every two weeks. The fish and frogs have co-existed for the past four years without problems. 10% waterchanges every week. Consider everything, Question everything, then use common sence!
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