Posted by:
at Sun Jul 22 11:29:15 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by superdave1781 ]
hi all, I just got the Sept. 2007 edition of REPTILES and they have an article on ringneck snakes. I really like the Monterey ringneck, and also the Regal and a few others for that matter! So where do you get one at? Does anyone breed and sell them? I did some searching (on google and on the forums) and couldn't find anything about who sells them. I really would like to find a Monterey ringneck, can anyone help? ----- -David
1.0 ball python (Pandora - don't ask) 1.0 argentine boa (Prometheus) 0.1 hogg island boa (Andromeda) 0.0.1 brazilian rainbow boa (Inara) 1.0 kenyan sand boa (Diablo) 1.0 normal corn snake(Cypress) 0.1 amery. corn snake (Morgan LaFay) 0.0.1 banded cali. kingsnake (Cain) 1.0 tangerine honduran milksnake (Narcissus) 0.0.1 snow corn snake (Valkyrie) 1.0 amazon tree boa (Pegasus) 0.0.1 colombian boa (Athena) 0.0.1 sandfish skink (Slick) 0.0.1 fire skink (Phoenix) 1.0 dog (Luke)
the wife's pets: 1.1 ferrets (Ares, Enyo) 0.0.1 betta fish (Captain Morgan) 1.2 cats (Galahad, Ripley and Sassy)
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