Posted by:
at Thu Aug 2 18:47:12 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by katschamne ]
First off move the tank to another area away from windows. UVA and UVB does not penetrate glass. All you are doing is growing algae and causing a lot of extra work for yourself. You then need a UV light. If you want to give your turtle natural light which is better then a UV man made light, is to take the turtle out with you when you go outside. But I caution you to keep an eye on the turtle so it doesn't escape or becomes prey for another animal.
Second, ditch the Whisper filters and convert to a canister filter. IMO any canister would be better then an over the back filter, but there is one that is made for turtles it is the Zoo Med 501 canister. This is the description from Zoo Med "The Zoo Med Turtle Canister Filter is specially designed to meet the unique filtration needs of turtle tanks or vivariums with amphibians. It features an extra large carbon chamber for maximum ammonia absorbing capabilities. Includes spray bar system, mechanical filter sponge, biologically active ceramic media and carbon. Its special water pump motor can run dry for up to 30 days without damaging the unit. Includes a manufacturer's one-year guarantee from Zoo Med."
Third, another way to keep your tank cleaner is not to feed you turtle in the tank. It is best to take your turtle out place it in a large Rubbermaid container with water in it and feed the turtle in there.
Lastly, is to get rid of the rocks/gravel. I have to agree that I like the looks of gravel on the bottom but it does make it more work to clean it. My turtles never eat my gravel. I don't see why they would but who knows.
Some extra tips, keep your turtle's water about 78 degrees if not use a heater that is made for turtles. They are more durable. When you do a water change make sure that you use a water conditioner to take out harmful chemicals and hard metals. If you don't then you can dry out the turtle's shell. Like golfdiva said use Turtle Clean it will also help.
I know how much work it is but Shelby will be a much happier RES when you are done. I have to praise you for going the extra mile and getting a 55 gal tank. I work at a lps and everyone wants to put these guys into a 10gal tank and get upset when you tell them what they need. They say all this for a $17 turtle. I tell them all day that it isn't the pet that cost so much it is the setup. Good luck.
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