Posted by:
Flavia Guimaraes
at Fri Jul 27 02:10:39 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Flavia Guimaraes ]
Im living in India since sept 2004 and here is the worst place to live for herp lovers. No reptiles for sale in the petshops and if you ask the petshop owners for lizards or snakes they will think youre crazy.
Two years ago i made a petshop owner to import for me 2 bearded dragons from HK. He did that and took the opportunity to import some reptiles for him too.A few weeks ago he still had in his petshop near Gurgaon a corn snake, a few iguanas, some red eared turtles and one pack toad. All of them are being kept in very bad conditions, in a filthy water without UVB lights, you know what i mean.
That owner used to have a bearded dragon too but he raised the poor beardie with mice ONLY and the beardie died an awful death. I saw it a few days before he died and the poor baby could not even lift his head anymore.Lack of vitamins i suppose or liver damage?
Thats the only petshop i know in Delhi that sells reptiles and it started doing that because of me.
It is against the Indian law to keep wild animals in captivity and the Wild Life Department's guys are strict, i can tell you.
Besides that, Indian people ARE very afraid of lizards because they are sure lizards all of them even the poor common lizards that chases flies on the walls are VERY poisonous!
Ive been told that in the rural areas people sell back broken uros on the roads because their tails are supposed to be afrodiasic but i ner saw that.
Be careful while travelling in India. Most of the diseases that dont exist anymore in other countries are still rampant in India.
Indians hate lizards. They
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- India trip - need herp info - jmonahan, Thu Jul 26 22:54:58 2007
- RE: India trip - need herp info - Flavia Guimaraes, Fri Jul 27 02:10:39 2007