Posted by:
at Mon Aug 27 14:11:41 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Eryn ]
I have a 7 year old female florida softshell turtle who hasn't really eaten anything in 2 months.
I used to have 2 Florida softies... The problem started about 2 months ago when they stopped eating much and their behavior became sluggish... I decided to move them to the bath tub for a few days and get their new tank ready. Then I moved them both to a nice clean 125 gallon tank.
They still didn't want to really eat.
Then I noticed that the males front feet were peeling a little... I just thought he was shedding anfd didn't think nothing of it. Then last week I noticed the webbing on one of his feet was disintegrating or rotting. And his color had changed. I took him to right to the vet and he had me soak him on Nolvasan/Chlorhexidine Solution. I started soaking him in a little of that. Then I noticed the other front foot started rottiong away as well... Just seemed to come on so quickly and later that day he died!
Now the female still isn't really eating at all, her behavior isn't right, she seems lethargic and depressed. She won't come out and bask. So the vet had me bring her in immediately and she's getting Baytril injections to hopefully prevent her from having anything that the male died from and continue with the soaking to prevent any skin problems.
She's not basking so I take her outside a few times a day in a rubbermaid container 1/3 shade and 2/3 sun, I check on her a lot and keep her out there for about an hour or so.
Her brother that she has lived with for 7 years died last week and she seems even more depressed. I've read that they do not really miss companions, but they have been together forever and now she's alone in a big tank. I'm unsure if that would have an effect on anything
He color is ok, her skin is not peeling, her shell is ok... But she seems very miserable and not really eating and not basking at all.

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