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at Wed Aug 29 12:11:06 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by dydy4jamaica ]
Im Putting a Cage together for Two CWD's, and im thinking about putting bonsai plants in with the rest of the set up, im doin a set up where i have some model temple and city ruins that looks jungle over grown with moss and fake vines and a "flooded" end that has a broken sphinx as the "temple" partially submerged with some tethered floating wood, jus in case the dragons decide to climb out of the water. im putting in a sprinkler system on the land end and water fall on the water end. the CWD's are 10-12 inch juveniles and im not sure if they would try to eat the live plants that i would put in. what plants would be safe or perfect to put in?
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Will they Eat It? - dydy4jamaica, Wed Aug 29 12:11:06 2007