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at Sun Sep 16 23:30:52 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by BlueKing ]
Thought I would share a nice picture of a special animal! This big boy came from the sandhills of North Carolina. I measured him at 82", but that was with a slight wave/kink in his body, so I'm sure he's right at seven feet (I added a dollar bill for scale)! I usually don't post in this forum, as I have mostly kingsnakes, but I love those Coachwhips (especially Easterns)!!! They are pretty animals, even if they ARE mean! Too bad I don't have room for them. If I did, I might just breed some! Amazingly, I found a hatchling in the same area as where this one came from only minutes later! Lucky that this big guy didn't find him first,lol! This boy is FAST and I mean FAST!!!
Anyone got pics of an 8 footer???(I know they're out there!)
----- "I am an expert on everything, but I know so little and have so much to learn!" -Carsten "Zee" Zoldy-
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7 Foot WC Eastern Coachwhip!!! - BlueKing, Sun Sep 16 23:30:52 2007 