Posted by:
at Fri Oct 26 18:54:23 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by doccod ]
I caught a small (12-14" Western Coachwhip snake today near Albuquerque. It was caught (trapped) in a plumbing vault, but it looks like it's in great shape.
I have always wanted one of these snakes, just never lived where they were common before. I kept many adult racers and whipsnakes when I was growing up in So.Cal.
I bought a small 2.5 gal reptile cage at a pet store and some crickets for a temporary solution over the weekend.
Can anybody tell me what the best food source would be? I don't know if this guy is big enough to eat a lizard yet, or if I will be able to catch enough for food for the winter.
If it looks like it's going to be hard to keep this guy healthy, I'll take him back and release him on Monday.
Also, I have to keep him in an unheated outbuilding temporarily (I'm trying to convince my wife to let me bring him indoors) where it's probably 80 in the day, but maybe around 45 at night, will this hurt him?
Thanks for any help
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Juvenile W. Coachwhip - doccod, Fri Oct 26 18:54:23 2007