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RE: mini habitat project- help!

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Posted by: otis07 at Sun Nov 11 19:11:19 2007  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by otis07 ]  

reed frogs, well, they are cheap, but wild caught and sure to be infested with parasites. you will need to quarentine them for at least a few months and get fecals done, treat for a few more months and then get follow up fecals. i'de recommend getting the fecal work done by the frye brothers. you need to give me something other than bog, like some plants or animals that live in a bog set up. becuase reed frogs don't, they need a water dish, not a tank with the entire bottom water. if you really want a bog set up i would suggest getting a newt. they are hardier and much more forgiving of mistakes. but they need temps in the 60's, no higher than 75 for long periods of time.

with sword plants, you will need at least 6-9 inches of water, cause they grow tall. and with reed plants you will need a soil layer underwater so they can get nurtients b/c they grow in "sludge" in the wild. with ivy, this is just my experience, it looks really nice outside and you would think it would be hardy in a tank, but it's not. if you look at all the really pretty tanks there is no ivy in them, it doesn't grow well in tanks. creeping fig does though if you are looking for a fast growing creeper, it needs high humidity and a glass lid is better though.

so far you have this for plants:
swords- substrate=gravel, needs at least 6 inches of water, isn't a bog plant
ivy- isn't a bog plant, doesn't grow well in vivariums
reeds- get enormous, most get over 4 feet, grow in sludge
none of the things you have mentioned are "bad" but they don't mix well. i am just trying to save you money and time on buying the plants and getting them all set up, only to have them die shortly after.

ventilation- depending on what kind of plants and animals you have you don't really need lots of ventilation. for bog plants you need a screen top, but for the animals you want to put in your "bog" set up you really need more tropical plants, which do great with a glass lid.

people think plants need light and water, they are a little more complex and they all need different care. do your reserch before you get anything.
Russian Tortoise
Hingeback tortoise
Lawsons Dragon
Ocelot Gecko
0.0.3 Vietnamese Mossy Treefrogs
Oregon Newt
Japanese FBN
American Bullfrog
0.0.4 D. tinctorius
D. auratus
D. leucomelas
1.1D. imitator
0.0.2 imitator intermedius
1.1.1D. lamasi
Grandis Day Gecko
Mali Uro
0.0.4 Hourglass Treefrogs
Hedgehog, bunnies, dog, fish, crawfish...


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<< Previous Message:  RE: mini habitat project- help! - porky88, Sun Nov 11 18:16:55 2007