Posted by:
at Sat Nov 17 00:47:01 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by BlakeDeffenbaugh ]
I agree there is alot of jerks on here.
Cages size, I honestly was going to build a cage for mine that was somewhere around 3feet wide x 3feet deep x 4feet tall. Everyone has their own opinion. You can make it as big as you want or as little as you want. Mine breed in a 24x18x24. I would love to get them a bigger cage but right now I dont have the room. You can experiment with ventilation. I try and keep my between 60-80%. So a good 3-5 inch substrate with live plants will help alot and misting once or twice a day too will help alot. I would probably make the whole top screen and if you need more you can add it. But that is all up to you on how you want to set it up. . maybe a small vent in the back or front to help with air flow. I use pothos. . phothos(spelling?) I'm going to go threw and revamp my cages and use snake plant and maybe umbrella plant, maybe mother-in-laws tongue.
Food. I just let mine free feed. I dont use containers unless I'm feeding some kind of worms so they cant dig into the dirt. They will pretty much eat anything you put in front of them. They are not to picky of eaters thats for sure. People say if you put to small of bugs in there they wont eat. I watched mine go ape sh*t over ants once that tried setting up nest in the cage with them. I wish I had a video camera it was great.
Mature size. I'm not sure of this. I dont know if maybe Ingo or Kev over at NERD knows. A friend of mine is raising some females up to see how long it takes. It seems it can take between one and a half to two years. Maybe one of the other guys knows for sure but I dont. I keep a container of calcium in the cage so she can eat it as she sees fit. And she tares it up too.
Thats pretty much all I can think of. If you need anything else you can feel free to email me. I'll help with whatever I can. Tokays are my favorite gecko and WAY underrated. One of the coolest things about them is they guard their eggs and young. Whenever you try to get the babys they will run under the parents and they definitely make sure you stay away.
Good luck, Blake
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