Posted by:
at Fri Nov 30 16:08:36 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by RainDrops ]
I have a male, and they make very interesting little pets. They adapt to captivity fairly easy from what I've seen, but one problem I have experienced is dehydration. Mine drinks fine from a water bowl, and all of a sudden he stopped. At the same time he stopped eating, but I could tell it was the dehydration from the sunken eyes. Misting had no effect on him, so we had to carefully open his mouth and use an eye dropper. This was used as a last hope, but fortunately it worked and he started eating and drinking again. Monitor your lizard carefully if it stops eating. I think it may be a common problem because I had a female a while ago that did the same thing.
The substrate you use is extremely important to these lizards as well. They love to burrow when they sleep at night, so something fairly fine-grained must be used. Fine sand or calcisand or anything powdery should be avoided at all costs. Through trial and error I now use ground walnut bedding. While it was obvious that the lizards really liked fine-grained sand, they got it in their eyes and I had to use a mister to flush their eyes out daily or they became crusted over and were unable to see. While the male I have first refused to even lay or burrow in the walnut bedding, he quickly became accustomed to it and now lives just as happily as he did with sand. They like some rocks in their cages to bask on and I have some wooden furnishings to give mine a vantage point that he utilizes often. Hide boxes are completely useless of course though because they burrow.
This species is very active and watches everything around it. While it becomes accustomed to human presence (Mine now ignores me whenever I spot clean the cage), they will never become used to handling. They do, however, make a great display animal. ----- 0.1 ball python 0.1 corn snake 0.1 rosy boa 1.0 bearded dragon 1.0 leopard gecko 0.0.1 yellow ackie 1.0 greater earless lizard
0.1 quaker parrot 1.0 fischers lovebird
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