Posted by:
at Thu Dec 13 15:27:24 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by salvelinus ]
Hello, I have a young, 2.5 inch eastern painted turtle. He is very active, healthy and inquisitive. His carapace is slightly rough though, with the scutes raised just a tiny tiny bit. I am worried that he will get pyamided, which I hate. I was wondering if people have had luck using Minerall I to prevent pyramiding in water turtles? What about UVB lights? Do they actually work? I feed my turtle Hikari tropical turtle food and occasionally krill and blood worms, and greens. I have had great success with Minerall in breeding bearded dragons and giant day geckos without using any sunlight at all, just Minerall I. I am back and forth between school and home so keeping him outside won't really work. Basically, is there any way to prevent pyramiding and other shell abnormalities without housing him outside? Do young turtles have slight roughness on their carapaces just as a result of growth, or are all painted turtle shells supposed to be smooth all the time regardless? Thanks a lot, Ben
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