Posted by:
at Thu Jan 3 23:37:10 2008 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by JKruse ]
quite a while back to your post. Beauty of a snake. Those Baubels sure are unpredictable. I wonder if anyone has outcrossed this bloodline into other Santa Ritas and then worked to breed 'em back just for the sake of fresh blood. I wonder if the same phenotype would occur. I worked with SR pyros back in the mid 90's -- got 'em from Don Wilson (Seven Gen Reps) after he moved to Arizona. Told me he didn't want to deal with the paperwork of having indigenous animals etc etc etc. I'm not sure of what the laws are there in AZ (anyone wishing to chime in on the legality of indigenous species in that state please do chime in -- I'm learning new things almost every day....), but he offered the 3.3 to me and boy, for several years I really enjoyed them. Rarely an offspring would not want to eat either a live or thawed pink -- never had to scent and never had one refuse a meal. The last I saw some of my offspring was on the website of (Jim Dmerjian) who, I believe, is no longer breeding. But over the years, these pyros would develop a strange fading on their sides - almost a blending of a creamy yellow within the pumpkin orange. I dubbed a few animals "sunset" pyros as they appeared to have a sunset-like coloration over the majority of their bodies. Never pursued the project any further as I'd sold all my snakes back in 2002 to enter graduate studies. But I sure do miss those pyros. Please do share more happenings with these guys by the way!
Jerry Kruse 

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