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at Sat Dec 22 14:22:35 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Oxyrhopus ]
Seems baby coachwhips/racers fair better with an arrangement (small tank) with a small heat lamp over a rock to bask. Babies usually don't know how to use a heat pad/tape but will bask under lamp for hours and this significant increase in body temp is critical for their proper digestion (and they seem to know that). Without it, a meal potentially can go bad in their stomaches (rot essentially) and the snake will last only a couple week or month etc. Try mashing a cricket or grasshopper and scenting the goo onto a live pink and leave it just outside the snakes hidebox (essential also) or get a good group of feeder green tree frogs and dump several in at a time and they numerous bouncings of the food usually turns a switch on inside them and they go for frogs. Also, scenting with a garter or rat snake works as baby coachwhips like snakes and small anoles. Babies are very intelligent and if they do not have conditions to digest meals (heat lamp), they usually will not eat well.
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