Posted by:
at Sun Dec 30 21:44:46 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by glz ]
I was thinking about turning this old dresser into a Tokay enclosure and I could use some design ideas.
As you can see in the pictures the dresser is divided into 2 sections but it can easily open up into 1 section.
With the dresser opened up into 1 section it would give a size of 4ft tall x 3ft wide x 1.5ft Deep. If I keep the dresser divided in 2 sections the top section would give a size of 2.5ft tall x 3ft wide x 1.5ft deep.
I am thinking I should open up the dresser and make it 1 big enclosure (4ft x 3ft x 1.5ft). I was thinking I could put a plexiglass opening door on the bottom. On top I was thinking 2 vertical doors either made of screen or plexiglass, but im not sure which would be the better choice .... the plexiglass would hold in heat and humidity better but screen would make for easy cage misting.
I am also not so sure how I should set up the heating as I wont be able to use a heat light unless I mount it inside the enclosure which im a bit iffy about doing ... or maybe I could use a heat mat(s) or heat panel(s) mounted on one of the walls (ceiling, back wall or one of the side walls).
So what does everyone think ..... screen or plexiglass doors up top?? ..... Heat light, heat mat or heat panel?? If heat mat or panel where should I mount it, inside outside, ceiling, back wall, side wall???
Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!!
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Building new enclosure, need some idea's - glz, Sun Dec 30 21:44:46 2007