Posted by:
at Wed Jan 2 07:12:47 2008 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Ingo ]
Typicaly that is impossible, even in large tanks. Males will fight each other till oe is dead. But there are -impredictable exceptions. 15 years ago I aquired a tokay "pair", which turned out to be two males. These anaimals lived very peacefully together. IAfter quarantine, I transferred them to a 700g tank and aded two females. Both sired clutches and took care of eggs and babies, but both males always stayed very close together. They were always within sight of each other and did not care much about the females, except for mating. One of the males is still alive, the second died a few years ago. Upon its death, the other male displyed the same behaviour tokays show after loss of a bonden mate. The left over male called endlessly days and night for weeks. I tried to replace the dead male by one of his sons-but that was immediately attacked by the other male. So this "befriended" males were really unique.
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