Posted by:
at Mon Jan 7 16:07:46 2008 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by marinel ]
I have a breeding pair of white line geckos, and my female is looking pretty rough. Her first clutch is due to hatch around the end of this month at the earliest, and she has laid another clutch already. She shed just before her first clutch, and then again before this one, but this time all the skin didn't come off and I'm worried about her losing some toes. Here's the
pertinent info: 33 gallon vertical terrarium 85* on warm side 75*-80* on cool side and ground level Humidity 70% during the day and 80-90% at night Eco-Earth substrate Pothos, spider plant, & Snake plant (real) climbing/basking limb with ivy (fake) shallow water dish big enough to submerse moss kept damp for humid hide
The fake limb also has a "cave" at the bottom for another humid hide.
My male makes use of the humid hides and the moss, but the female hasn't this time. I have pictures if anyone needs to see them. Please, if you have any suggestions, I'd be grateful to hear them!
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