Posted by:
at Sat Feb 16 16:14:57 2008 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Litoria ]
I think thats odd. Red eyes do stress easily, and are a little harder to keep than some of the other common species but you sound bright enough to not have overlooked anything obvious. Unless there are significant environmental factors, such as overhandling the animal, people crowding around the vivarium unbeknownst to you or poisoned water/materials I would speculate the frog might have escaped at the pet store and they had a hard time catching him or something to that extent. It really doesn't sound like you did anything in particular wrong, and since you were carefully monitoring the enclosures temp and hum, I'd really say it was probably not something you need to learn anything from. Red eyes are beautiful and fascinating, who doesn't like them? I'd just get another, this time I would get an adult from an established breeder (see kingsnake classifieds) and go from there.
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