Posted by:
at Tue Feb 26 17:04:05 2008 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by beth60 ]
Hi - we are new to breeding reptiles and are excited about our adventure with our crested geckos. So here is the dumb question situation. We introduced our male to the female cage last night. He immediately went up the tree and dropped a load of white stuff, which I am assuming is sperm, on the branch. Is this usual or plain strange? LOL - I hope he didn't think the tree branch was her. How often will he do this - ie. each time a new female comes along.
He also had a grand time for a few hours following the female around and giving her some nips, but never mounted her? Is this an indication that it will happen soon?
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New to Breeding Cresties - beth60, Tue Feb 26 17:04:05 2008