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at Tue Mar 18 11:19:08 2008 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Dvas_Romeo ]
Woah, a few replies, alright! Thanks for your sharing your opinions and comments. I was wondering if it was possible the missed strikes were defensive strikes, but also thought I came across some literature about dum's not having the most accurate strikes.
For each of the 3 feeding sessions I've had with my new dum, the hoppers did end up being eaten overnight. I believe my dum was hungry those days as I noticed an interesting pattern in her behaviour: after eating (i.e. during digestion), she likes to soak herself in the water dish for approximately 5-6 days. Then after, she burrows herself completely in her substrate. I take this as a sign that she's once again hungry and in "hunting" mode, which times perfectly with her weekly feeding schedule.
Is this type of behaviour common with dums - burrowing/hiding only when they are hungry and ready to eat?
One other question I have: I've read that many dums burrow themselves with their heads exposed from the substrate. Every time my little girl burrows in the aspen, she completely disappears...head and all! Is this uncommon?
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