Posted by:
at Mon Mar 30 20:30:12 2009 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by DocOp ]
There captive care is easy and though shy, they make pretty cool little captives. First off they are not the easily confused Armidilo lizard that balls up by biting its tail (Cordylus cataphractus). Though they are distantly related.
These lizards live in groups, usually, lead by a alpha male, in rocky hillsides/slopes. So be sure to have lots of hiding spaces. I use stacked slate rock to make many crevices to hide in at different heights for thermoregulation. I would say have the basking spot touching 90-100. With a cool spot in the high 70s, and hides in that spot as well. As well as a night drop of mid-70s. A water dish is always necessary, though they can live awhile with no water. I use sand as the substrate. I feed mine dusted (repcal) crickets at least two times a week, probably a good routine would be M, W, F. For four individuals, I'd say at least a 20 long, if not something with that floor space and a little higher for a good termo gradient.
They are fun to work with but understand that 100% of them ava. right now are wild caught and probably carrying bugs and such, take preventative measures to insure your existing collection's health is not breached.
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