Posted by:
at Mon Mar 24 10:49:23 2008 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Katrina ]
New Maryland DNR regulations go to into effect March 31st.
The Broad-headed skink is moving from List A (up to four WC from MD and 4 allowed without a permit) to List B (up to ONE WC from MD and one allowed without a permit). Breeding will still be allowed with a permit, and grandfathering of currently legal reptiles over the limit (i.e. previously unregulated species or List A species added to List B such as Broad-headed skinks and painted turtles) will be allowed through March 31, 2008. So, if you have three Broad-headed skinks, you can grandfather them in now without proof of acquisition. AFTER March 31, you will need proof that at least one of those Broad-headed skinks did not come from the wild in MD, or that you had them before March 31st.
A permit gives DNR THE RIGHT TO INSPECT your animal-keeping area and records without notice "at reasonable hours".
No proof of acquisition (no paperwork such as bill of sale, vet records, adoption contract, air bill, etc.) = taken from the wild in Maryland.
No animal taken from the wild in MD may be sold, traded, or bartered.
There are proposed regulations for snapping turtles - I don't have those on hand right this second, but will get them.
The new regs are:
List A: Adding Green frog and American bullfrog Removing Eastern mud salamander, northern leopard frog, six-lined racerunner lizard, eastern hognose snake, queen snake, eastern ribbon snake, copperhead snake.
List B: Adding Broad-headed skink, eastern six-lined racerunner, eastern hog-nosed snake, queen snake, common ribbon snake. Adding eastern and midland painted turtles, redbelly turtles, diamondback terrapin (none from the wild after March 31st), stinkpot turtle, and mud turtle (Kinosternon subrubrum - no subspecies).
List C: Adding eastern mud salamander, and copperhead snakes. Removing greater siren.
Shipping requirements have been added to the regs.
If you have questions, contact Mary Goldie, MD DNR Permits Coordinator, at (410) 260-8540.
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