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at Sat Apr 5 15:12:02 2008 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by MMathis ]
I have my hatchling & yearling boxies in a large aquarium (they'll be going outside in a month or so). For their water, I converted a "Drinkwell" cat water fountain into a shallow pool which has filtration and an add-on water supply. It was doing fine (with frequent filter cleanings), but now that the babies are getting bigger, their messes are bigger (along with the substrate that they carry in with them) and the pump keeps getting clogged & stops working.
I want to make a new pool (using an external powered filter system) for them. My question is to see if anyone has "construction" ideas for making a pool that I can place in a corner or at one end of my tank. It would need to be fairly shallow (boxies only need an inch or so of water depth), yet able to accomodate a filter. Maybe only about 18" diameter to fit inside my 60 gal. aquarium/habitat without taking away from their "land" space. It dosen't have to be fancy.
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Small indoor pool for Box Turtles - MMathis, Sat Apr 5 15:12:02 2008