Posted by:
at Tue Apr 8 18:24:17 2008 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by carl3 ]
With much regret, I shipped out the last of my hatchling bairds rat snakes that I produced this past year. I'm expecting more eggs any day now but in the meantime, I worked on building up my personal herp library. I've gotten into collecting herp books.
Here are a few MUST HAVE BOOKS that I recently acquired:
Of Golden Toads and Serpents' Roads by Paul Freed (Jul 2003) based on a recommendation Bill Love made to someone else in this forum back in 2003!
A Snake Hunting Guide: Methods, Tools, and Techniques for Finding Snakes by Will Bird and Phil Peak (Paperback - Dec 7, 2007). A NEWER book I came across by accident surfing some herp websites. VERY WELL WORTH THE MONEY! GREAT PICS & EVEN BETTER TIPS!
Snake Hunting on the Devil's Highway by Richard Lapidus
Cobras in his Garden by HARRY KURSH; antique book about Bill Haast published in 1965. It may require a bit of work to find it & it's pricey ($100-$400 depending on condition) Living on the Edge: Amazing Relationships in the Natural World by Jeff Corwin - seems like a cool book...recommended by a friend.
Snakes: The Keeper and the Kept AND Snakes and Snake Hunting both by Carl Kauffeld (Hardcover-1957)
----- Sincerely, Jason
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