Posted by:
at Wed May 21 22:27:42 2008 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Slaytonp ]
The first thing we need to know, is just which kinds of frogs are you considering. Usually with darts, unless they are either obligate egg feeders, or certain thumbnails that raise their young in bromeliad axils or some sort of equivalent, it is necessary to remove and raise eggs in separate containers. Most other captive darts won't successfully transport tads from eggs to a false bottom type pool. There are exceptions, of course, but generally, a false bottom for the environment is mostly about overall design with pools and water falls, rather than for breeding tadpoles. Tell us more about what you want to accomplish in more detail ----- Patty Pahsimeroi, Idaho
Dendrobates: auratus blue, auratus Ancon Hill, tinctorius azureus, leucomelas. Phyllobates: vittatus, terribilis, lugubris. Epipedobates: anthonyi tricolor pasaje. Ranitomeya fantastica, imitator, reticulata. Adelphobates castaneoticus, galactonotus. Oophagia pumilio Bastimentos. (updated systematic nomenclature)
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