Posted by:
at Wed May 21 12:56:02 2008 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by KevinM ]
Hi Jeff, unfortunately many state and local wildlife laws and ordinances are vague and difficult to interpret, especially in situations like you describe. One avenue would be to discuss this with a reputable dealer or petshop in your area. It may require a special permit. Unfortunately, the folks you see selling these animals may simply be breaking the law, but wildlife enforcement in your area is understaffed/underbudgeted to care or do anything about it, especially with plentiful pet trade animals. Its sort of like an unofficial "blind eye" towards the numerous infractions they see being committed. However, I would hate to be on the bad end of an overzealous official who may threaten to confiscate all your animals, etc. because you are indeed breaking the law and they decide to put the donut and coffee down to do something about it.
To hopefully answer your question, I would go with the conservative route and assume that if the animal is on the Red List, and they state all Red List animals are illegal, then the eyptian, and technically all the other animals you see of sale, are illegal to keep.
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