Posted by:
at Thu May 22 12:02:35 2008 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by el_toro ]
With top-opening cages, I used to carefully remove as much cage furniture as possible so they didn't have anywhere to hide. I did this while keeping the screen top covering as much of the opening as possible. Then I would herd them into an open kritter keeper. They don't like to cooperate, but I never had one drop a tail.
Now that I have a front opening vivarium with permanent plants and non-removable wood, I dread having to try rounding Bowser up. Best luck has come from from curling a hand around him enough to get him to bite me. Once they latch on, you can move them with ease.  ----- Torey Eugene, Oregon, USA 1.1 Saharan Uros (Joe and Arthur) 3.0 Mali Uros (Spike, Turtle, and Tank) 1.1 Ornate Uros (Scuttlebutt and Shazzbot) 0.1 Collared Lizard (Rorschach) 2.0 Green Anoles (Bowser and Sprocket) 1.1 Chubby Housecats (Roscolux and Jenny)

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