Posted by:
at Tue Jun 17 16:21:42 2008 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by rappstar609 ]
This is my setup-
The UV light is a zoo med 60 watt, which produces the heat.It was producing too much heat, so i pulled it back a bit so the hottest point is 80 degrees. I added an Eclipse natural day light Flourescent as well. The setup almost looks like its too much too me- but as you said- i can barely find the lizards, so i suppose it is good. I have 3 live plants(pothos and ficus). I understand about the lizards giving signs of unhappiness, and I do agree the best thing to do is separate them. I am new to chameleons but Luckily, i am not an idiot; the guy who sold them to me at the show said they would be fine together in a 5 gallon glass tank (FIVE GALLON!?!?) ((AND TOGETHER?!?!))(((AND GLASS?!?!))) so i thought giving them a 20x20x20 would be more than enough, but as they are telling me, they are not happy. so i will separate them, and you have been a lot of help. I guess i will have to read up on breeding and see when to put them together to do that, further down the line. I just feel bad for lizards that are sold to people completely oblivious that would put these 2 lizards in a 5 gallon glass aquarium together, as they were told by the vendor, and wonder why they died 2 days later. I wish I would have gotten the name of the guy.
ANYWAYS...thanks a lot for the ADvice.
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