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at Sun Aug 3 18:59:37 2008 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by oshadog ]
I think the other poster hit the nail on the head with this. It would also kind of make sense (to me) that, with the limpness and twitching, it was because her body was shutting down- she was showing signs of deficiency because her body got overloaded and thus couldn't process it anymore. (She only was twitching & limp the day before she died anyway. I have a video of her the day before that and she was moving and acting fine I think the supplements on that day's feeding is what did it)
There wasn't aggression. In fact they would all hang out next to each other to bask and hide (even though they had a choice of spots) and they were together for quite a while. It's why I had a female gold dust and a male peacock. To hopefully avoid breeding aggression, or same sex, issues. I also never separate tank mates because long ago, I found, like you seem to have, that reintroduction (esp. into a new environment) might as well be like a first introduction. I knew aggression was still a possibility but I watched out for it and there was never a problem. Plus, their skin and "scales" are so delicate, it was obvious that no one had damaged her in any way.
She didn't have eggs in her, she only produced twice after I got her (She had eggs in her when I got her, she was in with a male golddust at the store.) Eggs were pretty easy to see when they were in there. She laid the pair of eggs she had, both of those times, just fine. There also didn't feel like there was any sort of blockage in her after she died.
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