Posted by:
at Mon Jul 28 13:51:03 2008 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by fireside3 ]
I cannot prove or disprove that right now. There very well may be a difference in microflora, even between species of Pogos from one state to another. I almost expect it to be so. I would reckon the difference would be minimal however in most cases, as the climates and terrain in my case are similar to Az., and even closer in approximation to NM.
The area you live in contains much more ground foliage, trees, and a little higher humidity than where I am at. Here trees are sparse, and cacti and brush abound, and people grip about 20% humidity. I just got back from Houston, where it was more uncomfortable at 10pm @ 85F, than it was here yesterday afternoon at 107F.
It is possible that due to the more extensive vegetation and humidity where you are, that there may be a microflora difference given the soil, possibly fungal, or perhaps it is due to the diet of your local Pogos with a certain local plant.
Personally, since I have moved to this area, all HLs I have used these Pogos on have thrived and grown well. My solare just put on weight like it's nothing. I have gotten in underweight HLs from people who say they won't gain weight. Once they're here where they have an almost unlimited supply of Pogos, they gain 2 grams or more a week, and typically about 5-10g a month until they reach a certain healthy weight. My smallest solare is the baby, and she's over 50g now. My CB cornutum is finally breaking into his maturity and has jumped near 10 grams in a month or so.
I have a had a couple of visible nematode infestations, which are cured with Panacur, one bad outbreak of a gastric illness which 7 were sick and I saved all but the youngest one, and I've had a few cases of mouth abscess in solare, which I think is related to their fragile jaw structure, the abrasiveness of this particular sand with them, and the way they repeatedly rub their snouts against the glass.
Of course if one has a HL native to Az., then Az. Pogos would be an excellent first choice for food. Same with Nevada or anywhere else, but I don't think I have seen a problem yet per se with HLs being fed Pogos from other southwestern states. I urge more caution though when discussing ants that are a completely different genus and from a region that HLs are not native to at all. ----- Wichita Falls Reptile Rescue
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