Posted by:
at Sun Jul 27 19:31:14 2008 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by outdoorsman ]
When I am out collecting ants and come upon a hill that has orange ants on it, I pass it by.I mean orange, not redish or brown, seriously orange.Fire ants from the few hills I have seen are a certain color.I have ordered harvesters from a few different places and they are never orange. Can we tell from a diet of this or that if an animal is really healthy.Visual observations of an outside appearance are not an accurate description.We have lots of animals/fish that we aquire in one form or another , that look good, but are full of dioxins, pcbs, insecticides,germs, etc. It would not seem ethical to feed a horned lizard a certain diet, then kill it, have it analyzed and say, Ok , such and such diet must have been good for it.So I guess we observe them to see if things seem to be right , as best we can, and do the right thing.I got tired of buying ants in the winter months, and didnt like some of the collection methods I had been hearing about of people that aquire them at that time of year. So, when I gathered several thousand ants extra, I froze them and fed to my HL's over the winter.Some liked them better than chasing other bugs I had raised.I can afford to buy them, but why not try something a little different, and they readily cleaned them up, and the HL's "Looked Good" when summer arrived. scott
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