Posted by:
at Sat Jul 26 11:13:00 2008 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by tyrekycker ]
I hatched a few babies from a common I caught a few years ago. I gave one to my friend who took it to college. He came back, gave it to me, along with the tank. I put my common hypo in it, after a quick rinse( because the previous turtle was captive born by me), and placed the hypo in. Its a 20g turtle tank w/ filter. I did change the filter pad and rinse the filter, but no bleach. It had been 2 months and one day I noticed the worms, most less than an 1/8" long. I have minnows in there, but they dont seem to be helping, as the population of worms seems to have doubled. And I have been changing water 95% everyday for a week, and it only seems to put a dent in them for a few hours. I'm thinking of pulling the hypo and dropping in a few caps of bleach for a dayor two, with a complete water change after. What do you think?
I dont have any extra fingers, please spare my life Inigo
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