Posted by:
at Sun Jul 27 09:41:32 2008 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by ShedYourFears ]
I acquired a water dragon yesterday through a man who could no longer care for the lizard...(i.e. rescue)
From what the man told me about the WD, it is an adult male, appx. 10 years old.
i have NO idea what locality he is...i will post pictures later today or tomorrow...
he is about 4ft...HUGE. green with black banding on the tail and a bright pink throat...
he is a little wiggly, but not as much as i had thought...
i have never owned a water dragon before, so is there anything i should know right off the bat?
i have done some well as asking the man who owned him everything he knew...
he is in a 5ft tall x 3ft x 3ft custom cage...and i will be building him a new one in the near future...(any suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated!)
is there any food he should NOT get...i know they are omnivores, so i am more concerned about plant matter (fruits & veggies)...i know he should get mealworms, crix, mice, etc....
is there anything i should look out for?
i am primarily a snake lizards are not exactly my strong point...
however, this guy is extremely cool and very interesting...
i want him to have the best i can provide for him!
thanks so much! jessica ----- 1.1.0 Hogg Island Boa 0.1.0 Albino Columbian Boa 1.0.0 Carpet Python 0.0.1 Red Albino Cornsnake 1.0.0 Pastel Ball Python 0.1.0 Cinnamon Ball Python 1.0.0 Normal Ball Python 1.0.0 Greek Tortoise 1.0.0 Normal Leopard Gecko 1.0.0 Hypo Leopard Gecko 2.2.0 Dogs 1.2.0 Cats 1.0.0 Rabbit 0.0.1 Pink Toe Tarantula ....................................
Shed Your Fears!
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- New to Water Dragons...Any Advice? - ShedYourFears, Sun Jul 27 09:41:32 2008