Posted by:
at Fri Aug 1 03:52:36 2008 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by fireside3 ]
Yes, Lou it just so happens I just had some pictures taken during my last treatments so that I could post them soon.
Kaplan lists dose on her site. You can find the information by doing a google for "common reptile drugs". It will come up number 1 in google. But, you can find it elsewhere too. The dosage is 50-100mg/kg.
Assuming you have 10% Panacur ( fenbendazole ) or 100mg/ml concentration: Low side dose, or maintenance dose I refer to it, is 50mg/kg, which for example would amount to .025cc or 2.5 units for a 50g HL.
The high dose will I use pre-hibernation, with new incoming or wild herps, and anytime I spot an infestation. That is 100mg/kg or would amount to .05cc or 5 units for a 50g HL.
I've run through this in a post a few years ago, but you figure this by the formula ( dose x weight / concentration ). For example, a 50g HL you just discovered has nematodes, and you have 100mg/ml concentration fenbendazole. 100mg/kg x .05kg ( 50g/1000=.05kg ) / 100mg/ml = .05cc ( 5 units ).
The period that you are noticing that the reptiles initially go through in the early stages a few months into captivity...this is in fact the very stress related depressive immune effect I am referring to.
See, the reptile is initially stressed very much in the beginning, and it takes some time for these effects to be seen and the body to actually become desensitized to cortisol production, which in the beginning actually gives the animal a burst of energy and boost in immunity. When that desensitization happens though, it will depress immune function and can result in harmful microflora and parasites such as nematodes taking advantage and getting out of control. This is the "opportunity" that opportunistic parasites and pathogens wait for. ----- Wichita Falls Reptile Rescue
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