Posted by:
at Sun Aug 3 18:17:04 2008 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by annaisagecko ]
i have a marbled salamander in a 10 gallon tank with an amphibian sole mix and some moss as substrate and theirs a drainage layer and the whole bit,
in the last few days i've noticed some little fly's in the cage some of which seem to be crawling around in the substrate, is this a normal thing? or does it mean i need to clean out the cage?? theirs not like any lava of any sort that i can see or anything, but i just thought id check to make sure this wasn't something bad, ----- 1. Leopard Gecko: Cort 3. Cats: Midnight, Tiger & Fluffy rip. Leo: Larry, Crestie: Tuki
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