Posted by:
at Tue Aug 12 19:42:17 2008 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by doublemom ]
I have 2.5' x 4' Animal Plastics cages with closed tops and side venting, and they retain heat SO MUCH better than our old tanks with screen lids. All summer long I've only used a 100-w SB Megaray and a very bright fluorescent for added light, and I get about 120 degree basking surface temp, high 90s hot side, and mid 80s cool side. Since my cages are 24" tall, I just played with the height of the basking areas to get the correct basking temps. I'm sure I'll have to add supplemental heat in the wintertime, maybe another basking bulb or a CHE, since I've only had the AP cages since May. We'll see....
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