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RE: M/F size diffrence?

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Posted by: PHLdyPayne at Sat Aug 23 15:12:59 2008  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by PHLdyPayne ]  

Unless you have a far larger pinky finger than I do (and my hands are big compared to most women I know), it sounds like your geckos are around 4-8 months old. My pinky from tip to last knuckle is about 2.5" and since tails are about same length as body, your gecko will be about 5" Still not fully 4-8 months should be about right...

Be easier to tell if you measure your pinky finger

Typically between ages 6-9 months the male has obvious hemipenial bulges just past the vent. Females may have a slight single bump but most are very noticable 'flat'.

A good breeder or at least somebody experienced at doing it and having a 8x jeweler's loop (or similar) can sex geckos by counting the rows of pores along the underside of the thighs and above the vent. I don't remember for sure how many rows (look like scales with pinholes in the middle) males have compared to females..but I think its three rows for males, one or two for females.

There is some size/weight difference between adult males and adult females but this is not a hard sure way to tell, especially when males who are over 9 months are quite obviously male in a much clearer fashion than the slight difference in size they are compared to females.

For now, separate all your geckos and keep them separated for a good 6 months if not more... shouldn't start breeding till females are at least 30 grams (35 grams or more is better) and a year old. Though if one of the females is the one who lost her tail, may be harder to tell when she is the right the tail has its own weight.

It may be a good idea to get in contact with the person you bought the geckos from and ask how old they are. Then keep them separate till they are at least a year old...

Though others have indicated two males are likely what you ended up with, this isn't necessarily true. If the geckos are all immature, they could simply just be fighting for food and stressed out. Females can fight each other and males just as much as males can with each other and other males. However, adult males definitely should not be housed together. Very large tanks with plenty of visual barriers theoretically could house more than one male and many females...but these cages tend to be quite a bit larger than needed for just a single male with the same number of females...easier to just have individual cages set up for each breeding group.


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<< Previous Message:  RE: M/F size diffrence? - po, Fri Aug 22 12:12:10 2008