Posted by:
at Mon Sep 1 17:35:55 2008 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by lance_portal ]
some of the things a have learned from my tokays...
1) For those who attemped to tame your tokay, how long did it take for you to be satisfied with the results? A I breed them, and all babies are tame, WC adults on the other hand, may never tame out. CB babies all have been tame, as they age and are handled stay tame. breeding is alil different, they do a 180, males defend there girls, and females defend there eggs,
2) Do their bites hurt? A yes
3) Generally, CB tokays are more calmer than WC tokays correct? A WC are full of parisites, stressed out and half dead, be careful, most WC never make it, stick to CB, a WC reptile can infect all other reptiles you have
4)Is it okay to start off raising a tokay as my first gecko acceptable? A you can...i stated out with tokays and five years later i still have them 5) Are tokay's are hardier than leopards? Which one is more demanding of needs? A both are about the same care, tokays dont need to be as hot as leo's, just a hot spot, light on one side of the cage
6) I would like to go more in depth into the world of tokay's, but what keeps me away is their attitude. Is their aggression something I should consider? Or will it be alot better once I handle one more often? A be carefull, most dont handle them right.....most people make them meaner because of the way they hold them, behind the head....i take them in my hand by letting walk on to my hand, never hold them back of the head, will make them bite everytime..hope this helps..lp
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