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at Tue Sep 9 22:56:26 2008 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Raggid ]
since crickets are high in protein, i was wondering if feeding my iguana crickets every so often would be a good idea? i just got "him" from my friends neighbor who could no longer take care of him. he's only about 2.5-3 feet head to tip of tail and about 2 years old. i have 2 blackthroat monitors, a red tegu, a pacman frog and a blood python so i figured i'd take him since i had the room. he's REALLY SKINNY, his hips look like they are going to burst through his skin.. skinny. i would greatly appreciate any tips on fattening him up and information on the crickets being in his diet. the people who had him before me said they fed him crickets but the setup they had him in didn't meet his needs at all (no basking spots, no trees or logs to climb on and DISGUSTING repti-bark bedding) so i wasn't to sure if the diet they were feeding was right either. they gave me everything with him to for free. so i cleaned and disinfected the cage, i have paper towels down as bedding, i put some nice trees and a couple basking areas in, my temps are 90 on the hot side, 80 on the cool, 120 degree basking area and i have a nice long log about 6-8 inches under a repti-sun 5.0 full spectrum UV strip lamp. the last 2 days i've been feeding him spinach, summer squash, strawberries, and green grapes. he seems to like them. should i sprinkle a calcium supplement on the food? or is the UV light enough? with monitors i don't need to worry about UV lamps since they get enough calcium through the rodents they eat haha so this is all new to me. any tips and suggestions would be great!
thanks ian
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diet question - Raggid, Tue Sep 9 22:56:26 2008