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at Fri Oct 10 14:31:58 2008 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by MaureenCarpenter ]
I want you to know that your Chuckwalla does NOT look unhealthy to me. By the way, welcome to the Forum! We all love our lizards and you will have many happy years with that Chuckwalla. They can live a long time! I do think it might be thinking "brumate time." There is a path to brumation in captivity if you decide to go that route, and you must gradually throttle down on the heat and not feed it so that it does not go into brumation with food in its stomach, which would kill it. I would miss mine too much to let it sleep for several months, and selfishly have been keeping Chuckwallas for many years without ever brumating them completely. They don't eat as much in the Fall and Winter, and bask less as well, and sleep more. But you'll want to be sure the cage is right. Is this your first Chuckwalla? It looks a lot like my first Chuckwalla...about 45 years ago! I was very young, and many of mine died before I fully understood their needs. I sure wish I had a Forum like this back in those days. So welcome aboard here. We'll always be ready to give information. Your posted picture is a beauty!
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