Posted by:
at Mon Oct 27 12:13:12 2008 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by jscrick ]
I see a lot of people here with neo GTPs setting them up in elaborate vivarium style habitats. That's like putting the horse before the cart. Sure the guy selling all the junk is happy, but I doubt the Chondros are. A completely wrong mentality for Chondros. Rethink what you're doing. Here's an analogy -- Do you put a newborn baby in a full king size bed to sleep? No. You put them in a bassinet. Then a baby bed. Then a twin size bed, and so on. Make sense? You have to keep it simple. It's all about function and parameter control. All the decorations in the world don't contribute a thing. That stuff is for the humans. The snake could care less. Success isn't determined by the amount of money you spend. Instant gratification rarely works with reptiles, especially true with Chondros. jsc ----- "As hard as I've tried, just can't NOT do this" John Crickmer
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