Posted by:
at Tue Nov 4 12:59:53 2008 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Zarula ]
Most of what this guys says is right.
80 degrees will kill crested geckos, they don't even really need a heat source at all unless your house is really cold, room temps are fine (65-70's). Most breeders tend to put their crested together only a couple weeks a few times a year to prevent stress. (Though I'd get their initial care down first before you start breeding them!) Also it's good to allow 3-4 months a year of non-breeding for the females to rest, you'll have to know and watch your females though, because some can retain sperm and still lay eggs without a male around longer than others.
If the geckos are fed Repashy's/T-Rex Crested gecko diet they do not need crickets. They can be fed and bred solely on that diet. Crickets and whatever bugs can be a treat, but they are not necessary. Sometimes juveniles can grow faster when fed a mix of diet and insects, but it's more individual to the gecko.
A clutch of 2 eggs every 4 weeks is pretty typical, 1 and 3 egg clutch are rare, but some 1 egg clutches happen with first-year breeders. And incubation (in the heating sense) isn't really necessary either, just the right substrate for the eggs in a tupperware container in a cool place does well.
The best resource for crested gecko care, or really any rhac care, that I've found is on Repashy's Reptile Forums (same guy as who made the diet, yes). I'm there and there are quite a few people with more experience than I, and there's tons of info.
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