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at Mon Nov 10 07:33:51 2008 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by bigdogreps ]
Yes, I incubate them in the dark. Hatch rate for my panthers was close to 100%,Think I lost two babies out of two clutches. One yielded 38 ambilobes(know for sure I lost one baby out of this clutch) and the other 27 of ambilobe/nosybe.Panther explosion! My husband insulated and built an extension off of our house just so I could have the extra room to set them up and control their temps/humidity more precisely and I am in the process of looking into automatic misting. I feed them fruit flies,gutloaded crix,house flies my own hatched in sterile conditions and silkworms.Wish I could keep every single one! No more of the veiled eggs have split open but a few are notedly very swollen,Im assuming too much water absorbtion and I can only hope they make it. I think another reason why I did not concern myself with the condensation was because I thought they were getting ready to hatch as I read that veiled take 6 months to hatch and they are a little past the 6 month mark. My pythons will release alot of condensation on the lids of their containers just prior to hatching so i took this as a sign that the veiled were coming.(python breeding mentality just reflex but I am learning) Upon further research I came up with folks saying anywhere from 6-10 months.It is obvious now that they definitely needed some more development time in the egg. Ill transfer them to less wet vermiculite and make sure they are in the dark. Thanks for your feedback.
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