Posted by:
at Mon Dec 1 14:35:20 2008 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by indictment ]
I'm not an expert, but anything crossed with a plain luecistic will produce non-luecistic babies (unless the other parent is het for luecistic).
The only way to produce another luecistic is to breed 2 luecistics together, a luecistic and a het for luecistic, or 2 het for luecistics.......different morphs habe different genotypes for different species.
I'd suggest asking the question over in the venomous section......I've seen you there a couple of times, you should knoe those guys would be more than willing to help you out. ----- 1.3.0 Leopard Geckos 0.1.0 California Kingsnake 0.1.0 Copperhead 1.1.0 Eastern Box Tutles
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